Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4 months... and counting!

Rain or shine...but we'll take shine.
Tim and I had an amazing 3 day trip this past weekend. We packed up Friday afternoon and went up to our favorite new spot to ride (about 2 hours north). As we pulled up, a storm was rolling out, so we waited it out in the van for a few minutes before stepping out to a wonderfully cool late afternoon ride.

After a few hours of riding slick stuff in the mountains of PA, we packed up dirty DIRTY bikes and headed a bit farther north to camp somewhere we will never camp again. But we made a damn good breakfast on our new camp grill the next morning and were even closer to our Saturday destination  - the Unadilla National Motocross Race (Berlin, NY).

What a beautiful day to watch racing! The weather was about 70 degrees and sunny, such a treat after the heat of earlier this summer. These pros are amazingly fit. I never would have said it before (only 'cause I didn't know) but this is truly an endurance sport. Riding a dirt bike over a 1-2 mile course like this is challenging enough, but they do it for over 30 minutes at race speed! Twice! Yup, two races make up a full motocross racing day. And that's after all the qualifying heats of the morning. Insane!

Don't go down with the ship. Srsly.
After leaving the bedlam that is (I believe) any motor sport parking lot, we headed to a campsite that we would stay at again and spent a chilly night (***future note to self *** check weather before packing for 2 nights of van camping) in a gorgeous place full of big trees and stars.  Sunday morning, we headed back to our riding place and had a great day riding At least until Tim busted his radiator in a major crevice (see right, that is the view looking DOWN)... part of the sport, or so I am learning! We still got in a few good hours of trail time and even stopped to wash our filthy bikes before heading home.

Cleaning up after Tara...
And on the way home, I realized it would soon be 4 months until our wedding. 4 months! Gasp! I'm now thinking of our recent trip as a last hurrah bike weekend before we kick into full speed wedding preparation. Bring on the tulle and glitter! (Just kidding! To the tulle and glitter that is.)

Somewhere in my early 20s, I made a conscientious effort to cease holding count downs. I'm pretty sure I counted down most of my undergraduate career just waiting to turn in that paper or finish that final...  Always wishing away today so that tomorrow will come. It just can't be a healthy way to live! How many great moments could I have savored when I was younger when instead I was stressing that I only had two more days to study?

Little children make countdowns all the time and when you're young, this practice seems more acceptable. The frame of reference kids have for time is much smaller and isn't it exciting to hear a little kid say "only 3 more sleeps until Santa comes"? But as an adult, it just seems wrong. Time is already flying by, why wish it away?

Yet here I am, pointing out that we only have 4 months until our wedding! I'm sure this countdown will continue on our blog. Recognizing my earlier tendency to wish away time and the fact that I haven't posted in over two weeks TWO MONTHS, I am committing here and now to two things:
  1. I will savor every minute of these last four months: I know there will be times where I feel stressed (bring on the yoga and red wine) but we have planned for this and are so excited! Everything will work out!
  2. I will update our blog regularly: I want to share with everyone our journey up to the aisle and introduce you to some very special people that will be there with us on our wedding day!
Please continue to check back regularly, I promise updates at least weekly!

4 months until our party of a lifetime! See you there!

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